Saturday, 1 September 2018

CQ18 - heading North - Far North

Here we go again - CQ number 8 and just like every other year, I am sat here in my tent on CQ eve wondering what I’ve signed myself up for.

This year we have once again ventured to the beautiful North Queensland region, where we all know we are going to be doing a bit more climbing than normal, but with the pay off of some of the best views at the top of each crest.

I flew up yesterday to avoid an early flight today, and spent the night at an all female backpackers.  For $35 (cash) I had a single room in a converted house.  My shoebox was surprisingly spacious and, although quite warm (it was 28 degrees when I arrived) there was a fan that was on high all night to combat the heat.  The room was a delightful shade of light pink, which impressed me no end (not), but the hostel was only three blocks to the lagoon so I wasn’t going to be too precious!

As I left the room in search of dinner, I was enticed in the opposite direction by the strains of the Harry Potter theme, and found myself in a beautiful new park in Cairns where an orchestra was practicing for a concert next week.  Needless to say, I stayed for the performance and then made my way into the city centre for dinner.

Spoiled for choice, I walked the centre about three times before deciding on a lovely Greek cafe - Mykonos - owned by the same people who own the one in Melbourne.  The food didn’t disappoint and I paired my meal with a delicious sparkling water.

A night’s sleep and back to the airport to catch my bus to Mossman, our first night of camp.  We had some last minute changes as we were meant to stay at Cape Tribulation, however due to safety reasons, the ride has been adjusted, so day 1 will be Mossman to Daintree Village.  About the same distance and still riding on new, unexplored roads.

Caught up with some CQ friends at the airport, on the bus and at camp (they have been doing some awesome explorations of their own and I can’t wait to catch up with them to hear all about Nepal and the Camino).

Registered, found my bike box and put my bike back together.  Brendon will be happy to know I had no leftover pieces.  I’d love to add proof but this browser won’t let me add photos from my phone, so you’ll just have to take my word for it!

Quick shuttle up to the Gorge and a swim in the deliciously cool waters - much needed as I have already managed a bad case of sunburn this afternoon.  Back to camp and then a quick walk into town to get some aloe vera gel and now waiting ptiently for dinner to be ready.

Have heard rumours of some changes to CQ this year - nothing substantiated yet but will keep you all well-informed no doubt over the next week.

One change I can let you in on - this year’s CQ is a dry one for me. I swore off alcohol until my overseas trip at the end of the year, so with 8 dry months already under the belt, this will be an interesting week.  Usually I enjoy rolling into the local pub for a cold cider at day’s end, so there are some habits to break.  Equally challenging, I have not eaten chocolate or lollies for 7 months so the thought of a quick sugar fix is a little different this ride - so we will see how the resolve goes as the days get hillier.

Anyway, enough for today - dinner soon and then if I’m up to it the Mossman Rodeo is on tonight and we can enjoy a bit of country along the way.  Otherwise it will be an early night before pack up and beginning our ride into the rainforest tomorrow.

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