Monday 29 July 2024

Day 6 - reacquainting myself with San Francisco

While I was in Seattle, I overheard a woman on her phone telling a friend that Seattle is hillier than San Francisco. I giggled, as my recollection was saying to Brendon and Hayden that I would hate to ride a bike in SF as it was the hilliest place I’d ever visited.


San Francisco is definitely the hillier city. Fun fact, Seattle needed material to fill those raised roads I mentioned in an earlier blog. They shaved earth off their hills to do so, making previous 35-40 percent gradients 16-18 percent.


On arrival I felt maybe I’d been wrong. Jumped off the bus at the transit centre and began the 2k walk to my hotel. After the first very flat 700m, the rest was a gradual incline until the last 50m which would be at about a 20% gradient. I made the realisation that I had way too much luggage!


The receptionist had to wait for me to get my breath back before I could tell her who I was and what I was doing there! But after a couple of minutes I’d stowed my luggage, and walked down to Union Square to get my bearings and jump a cable car down to the wharf.


Got myself a Boudin’s crab chowder in a sourdough bun. It was delicious but not on the same level as Pike Place Chowder. Looks like I’ll need to visit Seattle again to get the best chowder fix in future.


Cable car back into town to check in, shower and change and then my first bus ride down to the wharf for an Alcatraz cruise. Finally I was going to be able to walk through what is arguably one of the world’s most famous prisons.

But first I had to get something quick to eat. I grabbed a hot dog from a roadside vendor. $5 for a hot dog. “Do you want the lot? Onions and peppers?” I agreed and gave her a $10 expecting change. Oh no she said, you asked for the works and that’s $10. More fool me - should have checked but I guess now I know better!

I chose the Night Tour and wasn’t disappointed, but definitely need to go back for the day tour and the Behind the Scenes tour.  It  has such a sad history and I was pleased they addressed the Indians of all Nations protests of the late 60s as well.  I actually loved the gardens which were designed and maintained by the inmates - the sea breeze was full of the scent of the plants in the garden and there were hundreds of sea birds around the cliffs.


As the sun set, the buildings took on a more ominous look as the shadows began to eke in and the lighthouse began to do the job it was built for. The wind picked up, making the ride back to the mainland chilly enough to zip up the jacket and seal off the hoodie.

Dropped in to a neighbourhood liquor store on the way home where I picked up a strawberry margarita in a can - only 250ml at 16% alcohol. Holy Dooley - that almost blew my ears off my head!

Had a quick chat with the cashier about the weather etc, and he asked how my day was. Told him long but at least I wasn’t working. Asked him if he had long to go on his shift and he said if I was around in an hour he’d be available for a drink. I must have looked shocked but recovered enough to say that if I was even awake in an hour I’d be amazed and took myself out of the shop and home to my hostel.


No real plans for tomorrow so will play it by ear and see how it all pans out.

1 comment:

  1. Another beautiful city, I think Seattle has steeper hills, but maybe it’s too long since we were in San Francisco 😄
